Your Complete Clinic Client Clinician Software

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Born from Research… Built for Performance

Sue-Ellen McKelvey CEO says 

  • Visual Outcomes is robust and future ready. 
  • We continue to develop its data management approach in pace with cloud computing enabling technologies; preparing for new healthcare models and entrepreneurial businesses as they evolve.
  • Visual Outcomes holds a vision for more involvement of online consumers as a client; an active partner in their healthcare team.  
  • We are cognizant that an integrity of data gives good  information for all decisions; Visual Outcomes maintains high principles of data collection flows and  governance across one unified platform.
  • We lean in – listen and understand increasing compliance needs and changes for providers and healthcare business entrepreneurs. 


It's all online:

  • Support desk
  • Easy search FAQ/knowledge base
  • Remote-in help/cloud services

I love the new Customer Portal. I just log in and have all the answers at my fingertips. And not just FAQs, but videos with step-by-step instruction.

Helena Perth, Australia

The direct feedback I get from my patients is invaluable and allows me to give them my full attention during a treatment session.

Richard Los Angeles, USA

This is a clinical information system that supports our providers approach to on-boarding new clients. The providers and the clients love the portal. It gets us lots of new bookings and now online payments in 2019. Our front desk loves the online intake forms/consents – they go straight into the patient file for our doctors to see before the visit. Visual Outcomes has saved us so much time but we now see unique value of all the data entry - we get ‘real time’ information for reporting and our business analysis.

Lachlan Sydney, Australia

We made the transition to digital notes over three year ago - I now can see the value of data entry as Visual Outcomes has an infinite capacity to ‘show me the data’. Our clinic is multi-specialist and now truly working as a team with supportive reporting from Visual Outcomes. The patient knows more about their own outcomes; and more than ever is engaged in their healthcare journey with us. Visual Outcomes gives our providers reports for their entitlements according to their performance; data that is transparent means no more arguments. Thanks to Visual Outcomes we are a happy and productive patient centered team.

Leanna Sydney, Australia

VO Analyzer gives insight - I run queries on the fly and assess very quickly. Meetings are easy as I am prepared before with visual KPIs for the team. I can email a very visual report to the owners re business performance which makes decisions so much clearer for everyone.

Bradley Melbourne, Australia




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